Air Force Officer Commissioning Programs Enlisted
Air Force Officer Commissioning Programs Enlisted Uniform
Is an ongoing effort to give our best and brightest Airmen (Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard Airmen) the opportunity to excel by offering them appointments to the U.S. Air Force Academy and the Academy Prep School. This program delegates authority to unit commanders to identify outstanding and deserving Airmen with officer potential for this commissioning program.Our LEAD Program point of contact at the Academy can be reached at 719-333-8811 (DSN 333) and is available to answer any questions you may have.Additional information about the Academy and the prep school may also be obtained by calling 1-800-443-9266. The AF Form 1786 should:.
Be completed by the member. Be endorsed by the squadron commander.The squadron commander—not wing commander-will review your records and endorse your application as part of the 1786 process. Be processed by the military personnel flight.If an Airman has already submitted an online application earlier in the year, the application package would have already identified the need for transcripts, therefore, transcripts are only required as part of the AF Form 1786 package if this is the first correspondence with the Academy.