Garmin Topo Espana V5 Pro Unlocked Mapsource

Posted on by admin

I have Mapsource U.S. Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot spots central v5.After installing it I get an error that says 'There is a problem with the MapSource Registry. Please re-install MapSource and start it again' when I run it.I have uninstalled, repaired, re-installed about a dozen times and continue to get this message.I emailed Garmin Tech Support and received a very nicely detailed message with instructions on fixing my problem. Basically, they told me to uninstall Mapsource, edit my registry to remove both instances of 'Garmin' from the software sections of the registry and then re-install the software.

Finally, they told me to upgrade to version 6.5 after I get v5 installed and running correctly.I attempted to follow their instructions to the letter, but they don't match what I am seeing. When I attempt to uninstall Mapsource, I see two instances in the 'Add / Remove Programs' dialog box.

Garmin Topo Espana V5 Pro Unlocked Mapsource 3

There is a listing for 'Mapsource' and one for 'U.S. Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot spots central v5.' If I uninstall both, there are no 'Garmin' listings to remove from the registry. If I only uninstall one of them (as the instructions from Garmin state), I only see one instance of 'Garmin' in the registry and it will not allow me to delete it.I am wondering if anyone else has seen this. I have attempted to install and upgrade, but I am left with the same error. The software was new, but obviously an older version.Anyone have any hints / tricks that I am missing?

The software installed fine on my work computer, so I know the disk is good.Thanks in advance. Are you sure you deleted both the HKLM and the HKCU Garmin trees?If that doesn't help:1. Install the whole shebang on a different PC, export the garmin registry trees and compare (again, both HKLM and HKCU). If they are identical, compare the contents of c:garmin (or wherever you installed MS).2. Install regmon ( on your PC. Set filtering to see mapsource.exe's registry accesses.

Note down the point where Mapsource bails out - try to think what could be the problem (or post on forum and have others think for you ). Trust me, the registry settings are pretty common sense, I have successfully added new mapsets by hand on more occasions than I would care to think of. Atari support neverwinter nights 2.

Garmin Topo Espana V5 Pro Unlocked Mapsource

Thanks for the additional suggestions. I actually (don't tell Garmin) have the software installed at work. I did that to see if the CD was good. I will go there and export the registry this afternoon, bring it home and compare the two.I uninstalled last night when I grew frustrated at the whole thing. So, just now, I looked in the registry under HKCU and HKLM and there are NO listings for Garmin. There never has been when the software is uninstalled. When the software is installed, there is one in each place.I will compare registry entries in a bit.Thanks for the help!

I've got FHS 5.0 East. Here are the two entries. I hope this helps.HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREGarminMapSourceFamiliesUS Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot SpotsĀ® East v5'DataInstallDir'='C:Program FilesMapSource'SourceDir'='D:'ID'=hex:4f,00'MDR'='C:Program FilesMapSourceFHSV5Eastmdr.img'IDX'='C:Program FilesMapSourceFHSV5East.mdx'HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREGarminMapSourceFamiliesUS Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot SpotsĀ® East v51'Notice'='C:Program FilesMapSourceFHSV5Eastlicense.txt'Bmap'='C:Program FilesMapSourceFHSV5East.img'Tdb'='C:Program FilesMapSourceFHSV5East.tdb'Loc'='C:Program FilesMapSourceFHSV5East'. First thanks everyone for the support, I was able to gleam enough from the suggestions to get the MapSource City Select V7 update to install on my computer.This is a new computer (April 05) running Windows XP with SP-2.Each time I tried to install Version 7 it loaded all the files but gave the InstallShield error message 1628 ' Failed to complete installation' as it tried to write to the registry.

BTW - It would blow up Version 6 too make it or any other version of MapSource in-operable. I'd click on the ICON and the error message would inform me there was something wrong with the Garmin Registry and to install the software again. I did just that (probably 10 times).The only software I could get to successfully reload was the Topo version.However it may not be a problem with this software and more likely a problem with my machine.Here's how I got V.7 to install.

I used my Wife's laptop running the same OS and installed both version 6 and version 7 without unlocking the maps. I then went into the her registry and exported the to Garmin tabs. One is in Current User, the other is in Local Machine. I then placed these on my desktop.