Graeca Ii Font

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I'm using the Smith book for a very loosely structured online Ancient Greek course based in Cyprus. Unfortunately, not only do I find Smith's grammatical explanations and choice of vocabulary less satisfying than White's, I'm disappointed that it's all grammar and disconnected translation exercises (one sentence about this, one sentence about that), no reading of connected passages.I did notice, though, in the PDF version of the Smith text in Textkit, that there's also supposed to be a reader, 'Initia Graeca, Part II, A Reading Book', that goes along with the grammar (listed in 'Continuations of This Volume' on the second page). That might make Smith easier to digest.Has anyone seen this reading book, or know if it's available? Prometheus wrote:I did notice, though, in the PDF version of the Smith text in Textkit, that there's also supposed to be a reader, 'Initia Graeca, Part II, A Reading Book', that goes along with the grammar (listed in 'Continuations of This Volume' on the second page).

  1. Graeca Ii Font Examples

Graeca Ii Font Examples


That might make Smith easier to digest.Has anyone seen this reading book, or know if it's available?It's at Google Books for free download, along with other Initia Graeca books:as well as:also, an earlier version of the Part II book is available from the Internet Archive:-Not that anyone asked, but.That same Smith also wrote a series of school books for Latin, if anyone is interested:There are also 'stepping stone' books for the first two in the series:as well as some additional exercises for part I.