Viaccess Pirate Decryption
TPS-Crypt is a used to protect digital TV content from unauthorized viewing. It was developed by France Telecom, as it is a modification of the Conditional Access System that incorporates keys.
Like Viaccess PC2.3 and another modification of it, TPS-Crypt was eventually compromised by crackers to enable illegal viewing of pay TV content.At the time the system was set to update the AES key on a daily basis, but it was found to only inconvenience illegal viewers little, and so the system was changed to update the key every 12 minutes. Since only TPS receivers could receive the key update, this was an effectively strategy. Crackers took one step further by managing to develop a system that successfully predicted key changes, but even though it would have been an effective hack, it wasn't possible to implement on most satellite receivers.
NEWSLast Updated:02/FEB/2003VIACCESSIN HUMAX STB's PRESENT ONCE AGAIN!!!Humaxand Viaccess have signed a settlement agreement and a license agreement on 24thof January whereby they resume their cooperation in the area of digitaltelevision. Some time ago Humax has lost a Viaccess licence.These agreements settle all previouspending issues in their relationship. They open a new phase in which bothparties will cooperate for the benefit of their customers and the wider pay-TVbusiness industry, taking full advantage of Humax's leading set-top boxtechnology and Viaccess' advanced conditional access and content protectiondigital solutions.Stream isswitching to Irdeto2.Yes, out of the blue strean announced the turn over inIRDETO 2 although this is not confirmed 100%. Gazprom-Mediaand NTV general manager, Mr. Borys Jordan, has officialy confim rumoursabout NTV`s encryption exchange. However it is unknown yet, whichencryption have been choose.
The new encryption suppouse to be assecured and protected against piracy as it should make all illegalwievers to purchase original NTV subscription. Should we susspect itwould be Nagravision?Mr. Borys Jordan has also confirm, that pirate cards are a big problemfor NTV. Package fights with hackers in lawfull and technical ways (itchange very often keys for broadcast from 36E).
In spite of all thisacctions, NTV Plus has to change hacked Viaccess encryption on thebetter protected. It should be done in the next year.Which encryption NTV Plus will choose? Will it be Nagravision orViaccess 2? We will find out soon. Italian Internetwebsite has informed about Russian hackers, who can modify Streampackage cards encrypted in NDS-VideoGuard in such way, that on the cardare also available. Telepiu channels, which are simultaneouslyencrypted in Seca 2 and NDS.
This can only mean one thing: hackers havefocus to breake NDS algorithms, before Sky Italia package became regularbroadcast.Rupert Murdoch bought Telepiu package from Vivendi Universal andintroduced Stream and Telepiu merge, is probably going to bring in onlyone encryption to the Sky Italia. Hackers suspect it would be NDS. Untilnow, only this one encryption have not been broaken by hackers.But, hackers can modify an original Stream (NDS) card in this way, thatStream subscriber can also watch Telepiu channels, which are encryptedin second generation of encryption Seca 2.
The only original and activeStream cards (excluding Irdeto cards) can be modify.This is not a good news for NDS encryption, especialy when there aresome rumors about planned cards exhange in Sky Digital package.Is the possibility of breaking NDS encryption so scary, that Sky hasdecide to exchange cards, before hackers will finish the job? We shouldremember, that on all European markets is more and more second hand Skyand Stream`s DigiBoxes available. Swedish mediagiant Modern Times Group (MTG) has been fighting against piracy for along time.
During the first nine months of this year MTG lost 50,000subscribers to pirate card peddlers on its DTH platform Viasat alone,resulting in over E10 million lost revenues.MTG will have to invest over E5 million to find a safer alternative toprevent piracy apart from its present Viaccess CAM system. Thecompetitor Norwegian Canal Digital, does not have the same problem withits competing Conax-system based boxes.The Viaccess codes are claimed to be very easy to break, as quite a fewpeople seem to have discovered - a quick Google search in Swedenimmediately shows dozens of generous 'offers' to buy illegal Viasatcards. A leading Swedish business paper, Dagens Industri, reported thatdue to piracy the Viasat Nordic subscriber stock has fallen from1,125,000 at the beginning of this year to 1,017,000 in October.Premium subscribers, all digitised since last year, have gone down from500,000 to some 453,000 in the same period.
Meanwhile rival CanalDigital keeps reporting increasing figures. Canal Digital recentlyreported a total of 828,000 Nordic digital subscribers, of which 664,000took premium tiers.MTG is also working on Sweden's current very liberal laws concerningpossession of pirate cards, to get them 'harmonised' with the stricterlaws of the EU. GermanPremiere World package is intend to change encryption.
It is tointroduce Swiss Nagravision instead of BetaCrypt 2. Also Russian NTV+package will use Nagravision encryption instead of Viaccess. However,BetaResearch has ealier deny it, while it had show BetaCrypt 2 modules(without Premiere World logo), but in accord to latest information,Nagravision encryption is better protected against hackers and it ischeaper.So, does it means, that in one year time Premiere World package will notbe available on pirate cards.We have received this information from one European company.
In accordto this information over the year Premiere World and some other Europeanpackages will change encryption. At the moment Premiere World isencrypted in BetaCrypt (1) and it has no intention to change it toBetaCrypt 2 (BetaCrypt 2 is too expesive and it has no guaranty it isrealible) but the newest version of Nagravision.The all Premiere World decoders in Germany, so this is to say d-box 2and Humaxs BTCI-5900 (package no longer uses d-boxes) will bereprogrammed via Astra 1 satellite on Nagravision.Most likely, package is already working on technical datails tointroduce this operation. We suspect, that probably Humax has publishedthis information, because it has to help in its BTCI-5900 receiversreprogramming on Nagravision. We can also suspect that Premiere Austriadigital package will also change encryption on Nagravision.Most likely, NTV Plus is the following package which is intend to useNagravision encryption. At the moment, this Russian digital package isusing Viaccess encryption, which is not procected against piracy in anyway, in spite of the NTV Plus package strongly fights with hackers inRussia.Many other encryptions, include BetaCrypt, Irdeto and Viaccess werequickly broaken by hackers. Broadcasters, which are using Viaccessencryptions has a huge problems with pirate cards which are available onEuropean markets. Most of the packages have to exchange encryption onbetter protected like for example Viaccess 2.
It isunknown yet, what Viasat package will do. At the moment it is usingViaccess encryption, which was broken by hackers a long time ago.Own by Mr. Kudelski, Nagra SA company offer is financialy and technicalyvery attractive for broadcasters. Nagravision encryption has manypossible ways of modifications on different lewels, what create betterprotection against piracy.
It looks like the market of pay TV inGerman-speaking countries (Switzerland, Austria, Germany) will useNagravision encryption.This is a sensational information.It is well known, thay all digital packages, which are using Nagravisionare at the moment available on pirate cards. It`s look like piratedecription of Nagravision is not a big problem for hackers, therefore wecan suspect, that also this encryption is not very secure forbroadcasters. Via Digital, TV Cabo, Polsat Cyfrowy and Turkish StarDigital are available on pirate cards, and keys for those packages areavailable on Internet.
We can only hope, thay newest version ofNagravision encryption can be better protected, and give security forthis broadcasters, who decide to change encryption on Nagravision andtaking a hugh risk. Followingdigital channels are intend to exchange Viaccess encryption on bettersecured Viaccess 2. New Viaccess 2 id have been switched on for TamilTTN channel broadcast from Hot Bird satellite and two Russian ORTInternational and NTV Mir channels broadcast from Sirius. Bosnian NTVHayat channel has also started using Viaccess 2 encryption, and RomanianTVR Cultural and Viasat package are intend to use it in the closefuture.TTN (Tamil TV Network) channel broadcasts from Hot Bird 3 - 13E z12,245H (SR=27500; FEC=3/4).
Until recently TTN was using both, Viaccess1 and Viaccess 2 encryptions, but on the beginning of November, TTNchannel has give up 00 74 00 ident, and it start using 01 54 00 id onlyfor Viaccess 2, similary like Ultra Blue, Channel Sun and Paris Premierechannels, which are also using Viaccess 2 encryption.Russian televisions ORT International and NTV Mir, wich broadcast fromSirius - 5E satellite with frequency 12,380H, have started using a new01 94 00 id for Viaccess 2. Most likely, 01 0C 40 Viaccess 1 id willbecame switch off, after the all code cards will be exchanged.Interesting thing is, that pirate cards for Viaccess 2 do exist inRussia, and new encrption become broken. Unofficially, costumers inMoscow are able to buy pirate cards and watch all porno channelsencrypted in Viaccess 2.Bosnian television NTV Hayat, which aim is to broadcast programmesabroad, until recently available from Intelsat 707, has changed asatellite. On the beginning of November channel start broadcast fromEutelsat W2, position 16E with frequency 12,692V (SR=4340, FEC=1/2). Atthe moment, NTV Hayat broadcast is partly encrypted in Viaccess 2.
Since1st January 2003, the all broadcast of the channel will becameencrypted.Romanian TVR channel has also informed, about its encryption in Viaccess.Such information was broadcast to cable networks and individual viewerson TVR International channel. TVR Cultural channel will became encryptedin Viaccess since 27th of November. As yet, it is unknown, whichViaccess encryption it will use, 1 or 2. TVR Cultural broadcasts fromEutelsat W2 - 16E na 12,680V (SR=3000, FEC=3/4).Scandinavian digital package Viasat is intend to exchange its cards.Package is available on pirate cards, and package has to changeencryption to be able to fight with hackers. In accord tomany sourses, Canal Digitaal Satelliet - Dutch digital package willdelay its cards exchange until March 2003.
Package is exchanging the oldSeca 1 cards on better protected against piracy Seca 2 cards, butbecause of technical reasons, the exchange deadline was moved to theMarch 2003 year.Canal Digitaal package broadcasts an information board, where it hasinformed, that it will use only one encryption after the all cardsbecome exchanged. Until, now package is using two encryptions: Seca 1and Irdeto 1. Until now, it is unknown, what channges will becomeintroduced. One from Internetwebsites, which address unfortunately we can not publish, is offeringfor sale pirate wafer cards for illegal decryption of two digitalpackages encrypted in SECA2 already since 4th of September. The piratecards are decrypting two packages: Spanish Canal Satellite Digital andItalian Telepiu, and also, what is most important, the all eroticchannels broadcast in thouse packages.In accord to quite reliably looking information publish on the website,assure, that pard for Telepiϊ (D+)/Palco Card in SECA 2 Birdashould decrypt all channels of this package broadcast from Hot Birdsatellite, including Palco channels.
The card suppouse to has 12 monthlyguarantee as well as auto update. The card has white colour, and is notbroadly-known in Europe type of wafer card (it is not FunCard 5!).Because of atypical chip used in the cards, nobody would be able to readthis chip. (This is an additional information for thous, who would thinkto read a chip and Tele+ or Taquilla X for free).The card is co-operate with AstonCrypt CI 1.03 i 1.05 and Magic CImodule as well as all satellite receivers with Seca-Mediaguard embedded.The same situation is with the second card offered on the website(Taq2), which suppouse to decrypt all Spanish channels, include allTaquillas X/XX/XY. In case of this cards, is no information wheter it isco-operating with Magic CI or old version of AstonCrypt 1.03.Unfortunately, the price of card is overthrowing and many can afford tobuy it, especialy when on both packages are separately cards, which costare. This price is a really barrage. Cards are sent byDHL within 3-4 days from the purchase, probabyly from.Thailand.

Fewdisguised servers and websites are use for cards sale, one in.Slovakia. This website is also offering a little-known in Europe,new version CAS5 of Conax pirate card for Scandinavian Canal+ channels,which broadcast from 1W. But the price of this card is even higher -430$.But, exactly this Conax card, used by some people in Europe – isworking without any problems since several years. This might be somekindof proof, that Seca 2 pirate cards sold through this website are notonly another false information. Few year ago, as the first one, thiswebsite has shown pirate card for SECA1, which was later widelyacccesible in all Europe as PIC or FunCards. So, what will happen thistime?At the moment, pirate decryption of SECA2 channels is not very dangerousfor all packages encrypted in this system.
The most interesting forhackers are porno PPV channels which are not available in all packages.Also the ptice of this card is to high for some markets. But, you shouldremember, that the same situation was with the pirate cards for SECA1packages. Canal+ packages have to be aware of this possibilities. DoesCanal+ Technologies have a next weapon against hackers?
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Viaccess Card
It might be atime to use it. From time to time information from Italy, Poland or even. Arkansas(USA) about working SECA 2 pirate card are reaching hungry Europeanmarkets. Un till now, this were only false cards and frauds, but.
Ifsuch card will really appear on the market, Canal Plus packages willbankrupt.One from the Italian Internet websites ( haspublished a sensational information about existing SECA 2 pirate card.It cost 200$ plus 25$ transportation cost. Card is decrypting only oneselected package: Italian Tele+ or Spanish CSD.
PC Corral company fromArkansas, USA is advertise this card as: 'smartcards Seca 2 isavailable exclusively for single pay tv. One for every smartcard'.Will this cards be successful? - It is hard to say.Also in Poland, pirate card for SECA 2 is existing since some time. Thisis the old Cyfra+ card, which decrypt all channels of Polish Cyfra+package on any terminal with Dynamite software loaded.
This isonly another clever fraud. Nobody told naive people, which have boughsuch 'pirate' cards, that they should have an original workingcards, in receiver`s second slot, as clever cheat has. In this way, anyold card can be sold in any price, even PIC card!Motion:Is a pirate card for SECA 2 packages only a magic trick of clever cheatsor, hackers really have such cards, which keep in secret? But, the truthis, that big quantity of pirate cards will finally kill Canal Pluspackages. Since 1st July twoproducers of satellite receivers Telemann and Humax losted a licence onreceivers production with Viaccess encryption embedded.
All this becausepirate software for Humax VACI5300 appeared on Internet, and allows Seca,Irdeto and Viaccess channels decryption. 3in1.On the main Viaccess SA Internet website: can no longer find Humax or Telemann companies as an autoriseddistributors.On Russian Internet website where un tillrecently patch software for Humax receivers with Viaccess embedded(VACI-5300 or VA-Fox) was available, now, there is only Viaccess SAnotification (Christine Maury Panis i Marc du Peloux). Viaccess SAnotification is also on other Russian Internet website French company Viaccess SA, owner of Viaccess system, has send anofficial information that only two companies have a license tomanufacture and sell Viaccess CAM modules, i.e. SCM Microsystems andASTON. Viaccess SA will start a war with Magic CI?It looks like Viaccess SA are treat Magic CAM, Universal and Global asillegal and company will start a war with Magic CAMs and their producer.Viaccess SA has tried to stop Magic CAMs sale on the stands on MediaCastExchibition in London.The new module is sold blank, unprogrammed, but with a programmer unitin a set. And this is legal.Official notification from Viaccess SA:'We hereby confirm that, at the date of today, VIACCESS S.A.
Fta Satellite
Hasonly licensed two companies to manufacture and sell CAM modules, i.e.SCM Microsystems and ASTON.Therefore any and all CAM modules not manufactured by these twocompanies and addressing or pretending to address VIACCESS accesscontrol system functionalities are manufactured and sold in violation ofVIACCESS rights. In particular,we confirm that VIACCESS has notlicensed any company currently supplying the so called'Magic', or' Universal 'or 'Global' CAMs. TPS package newencryption - TPS Crypt have not been safe for a long time. Not a longtime ago TPS has changed all the old cards to the new, safer cards.
Thenew cards were supposed to reduce the illegal viewing of the TPS packageon pirate cards. However, the software for TPS Crypt Fun is alreadyavailable for uploads.TPS Crypt encryption is used by two packages of paid televisions on HotBird-13E satellite - TPS and Arabesque broadcasting from the transponder65, frequency - 12,015H. Break of TPS Crypt encryption is a defeat ofconditional access modification for paid television in Europe. Seca 2 issupposed to be the next one.Soon we will know whether TPS will make the necessary improovments toprotect their system, together with the other broken encryptions: Irdeto,BetaCrypt, Seca 1, Viaccess, Nagravision.Parts: satkurier © 2002.