Muserver 0.97d
Muserver 0.98c
Let me try to explain better:I'll play on the server, as any normal character. Quietly grab the objects found in the Floor, but there comes a time when the inventory does not open any of the access point.I do not know if it is an object, but it is a big problem.
Counter strike 1.2 zero. Accesstime 5mo refresh 2mo favorite 5 removeredeye 1.5k modecomment 7. Inferno 2020 Condition Zero folder Bomb/Defuse Alfa1337 avatar.
Mu Online Private Server Ios
But as 2 or 3 hours after you open up as if nothing happened. It is a strange bug, might be some bug or something similar protocol. This only happened to me the MG.The Server you have done this very, very good, has been one of the best I've played 0.97d.Ideas:1. QUOTE=Neon-Blade;4738226Let me try to explain better:I'll play on the server, as any normal character. Quietly grab the objects found in the Floor, but there comes a time when the inventory does not open any of the access point.I do not know if it is an object, but it is a big problem.
But as 2 or 3 hours after you open up as if nothing happened. It is a strange bug, might be some bug or something similar protocol. This only happened to me the MG.The Server you have done this very, very good, has been one of the best I've played 0.97d.Ideas:1.