Multiman For Ps3 3.72

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Ps3 Multiman Download

For the average PS3 user that doesn’t play online, multiMAN or any other backup manager is probably the only piece of homebrew they need 😉 As its name suggests, multiMAN is a multi-purpose backup manager for hacked PlayStation 3 consoles that works best on CFW-capable consoles ( is a better option for consoles hacked with PS3HEN). MultiMAN is now compatible with CFW 4.83-4.85 doing away with unofficial ports!According to the &, multiMAN 4.85 comes with:.Official support for CFW 4.83 to 4.85.PS3HEN is not officially supported but a modified version. multiMAN now recognises the offsets for FW 4.83/4.84/4.85 and displays the firmware correct versionThanks to this update, unofficial versions of multiMAN with support for CFW 4.83-4.85 can finally be put to rest as the modifications they did were possibly not ideal. However, no word has been shared on how compatible with PS3HEN this version of multiMAN so users of that should still stick with. ConclusionTo get this updated version of multiMAN on your PS3, simply use the online updater or grab the PKG file from the link below.

Multiman for ps3 3.55

For more homebrew compatible with the recently released FW 4.85, on the matter.multiMAN 4.85 download link. Sony dsc-p30 manual.