Cyberlink Cleaner Tool

Posted on by admin

Much appreciation if anyone can help me.I have Power Director 12 and it will not import any video files. I would like to upload VOB files, but I get an error message every time. And I have tried converting the VOB files to AVI, WMV, MPGs with the same error message:'An error has occurred while opening this media file in the media library. It may be because the file is broken, an unsupported format, protected video content, or for another reason. Try contacting your video provider for a different video format.' The VOB files works fine on DVD, it is not any protected material, and I am the video provider who has tried converting the format.

Does Power Director no longer support VOB files? This is my first time using Power Director 12. I never had this issue in Power Director 10 or 11.Any assistance is appreciated. Have you simply tried to change the extension of the VOB file to mpg to see if that works. No conversion needed.

I would try it but I don;t have a VOB file on my computer.I downloaded an example VOB file and it worked. Do you have a short (or small) section of the original VOB file that you can upload to a file sharing site?

I use but there are others.There is no reason why it wouldn't work if you meet all the requirements (including needed programs).BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help - it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions!Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion. Quote:I have Power Director 12 and it will not import any video files.' An error has occurred while opening this media file in the media library. It may be because the file is broken, an unsupported format, protected video content, or for another reason. Try contacting your video provider for a different video format.' Your thread title is a little misleading, your issue is much wider than VOBs.Have you tried a uninstall-reinstall yet?What build of PD12 are you using?Do you have a codec pack installed, such as K-lite?

This should not really be necessary for VOBs, or most other codecs, but may help.Being unable to import ANY video is a big error.My website LINKS TO PDTOOTS & hundreds of other valuable resources!HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHzturbo3.9)/Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/7,200rpm/w10x64-Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus EPL-5. Stevek - I have tried just changing the extension to mpg but that doesn't work either.BarryTheCrab - What do you mean by build? It is 64 bit if that means anything.

How do I check for codec packs?Sorry about any misleadings. I suppose the sum up is simply no matter what kind of file I try to import, I always receive the same message:'An error has occurred while opening this media file in the media library.

It may be because the file is broken, an unsupported format, protected video content, or for another reason. Try contacting your video provider for a different video format.'

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Cyberlink Cleaner Tool

Product:Version:Category:Keywords:General troubleshooting for installing or uninstalling CyberLink ColorDirector.SymptomCyberLink provides a cleaner tool, which can resolve most of installation issues you may face. The error messages listed below that may occur during installation are known to be resolved with CyberLink Cleaner Tool::. Error: The product definition file lost. Error 1402. Could not open key. Error 1603. A fatal error occurred during installation.

Error 1612. The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and you can access it. Error 1706. Setup cannot find the required files. Error: Can't load SKUtil.dll. Error: Error applying transforms.

Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.SolutionYou should use correct version of CLCleaner to resolve installation problems.