2012 End Or Beginning Pdf

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You +1'd this publicly. Jan 23, 2010 – The body of thesphinx was buried in the desert sand for thousands of yearsand only in 1905, about a century ago, the sands has been cleared.12-14-12 - NASA IS SO CERTAIN THE WORLD ISN'T GOING TO END,THEY HAVEALREADY POSTED A NOTICE ON THEIR SITEDATED 12-22-12HEADS UP: PREPARE FOR NO ELECTRICITYTHIS WINTER.ELECTRICAL GRIDS WILL GO DOWN BECAUSE OF CMESThose little teenyweeny coronal mass ejection (CME) events that we keep talking about? Thisis one from yesterday. Down to the lefthand side it's showingthe Earth to scale. Give yourself credit - this is the type ofoverwhelming size event that we are constantly experiencing lately. Therewere 25 CMEs over a three day period last week. You're doing great.

We'redoing great!VIDEOS FROM A MAYAN ELDERWHAT WILL HAPPEN ON 12-21-12page 383HEADS UP FOR WHAT IS COMINGGET PREPARED IF YOU HAVEN'T STARTEDpage 265NASA HAS STOPPED GIVING DATA ON THIS ASTEROIDASTEROID 2012 DA 14. Page 334TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSENOVEMBER 13, 2012WITH COMMENTARYwhat deos this crop circle mean?ITS THE COMING SEPTEMBER EQUINOXcotona holenbsp; 6-30-125-20-12 - ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUNTHIS HAPPENS ONLY ONCE EVERY 26,769 YEARSVisibilityThe annular phase will be visible from the Chinese coast,northern, the south of,and the western part of the.,andwill be on the central path. Its maximum willoccur in the, south of thefor 5 min and 46.3 s, and finish in thewestern United States.2. Saturday will see the rise of afull moon called the 'Super Moon' when itarrives at its closest point to the Earth in 2012.Sat May 5, 2012 3:51pm EDTTHE SPECIL ALIGNMENT WITH ALCYONE OF THE PLEIADES,IT WON'T OCCUR AGAIN UNTIL 2030MORE DETAILSAnnular SolarEclipse at 4:47pm Pacific Daylight Time(Reuters) - A'super Moon' will light up Saturday's night sky in a once-a-yearcosmic show, overshadowing a meteor shower from remnants ofHalley's Comet, the U.S. Space agency NASA said.The Moon will seem especially big and bright since it willreach its closest spot to Earth at the same time it is in its fullphase, NASA said.The Moon 'is a 'super Moon,' as much as 14 percent bigger and30 percent brighter than other full Moons of 2012,' it said in astatement.The scientific term for the phenomenon is 'perigee moon.' TheMoon follows an elliptical path around Earth with one side, orperigee, about 31,000 miles closer than the other, or apogee.

Theis a260-day calendar based around the period of human gestation. It iscomposed of,each of which has 13 variations, and was (and still is) used todetermine character traits and time harmonics, in a similar way toWestern astrology. The Maya also used a 365-day calendar called the, plus others. They measured long time periods by means of aLong Count, in which one 360-day year (a 'Tun'), consists of 18 x20-day 'months' ('Uinals'). Twenty of these Tuns is a Katun; 20 Katunsis a Baktun (nearly 400 years); and 13 Baktuns adds up to a 'GreatCycle' of 1,872,000 days, ( 5200 Tuns, or about 5125 years).Mayanscholars have been attempting to correlate the Long Count with ourWestern Gregorian calendar, since the beginning of this century. Therehas been massive variation in the,but as early as 1905, Goodman suggested a correlation only 3 days fromthe most popular one today.

According to John Major Jenkins, it will take36 years to precess through the Galactic equator. The GalacticAlignment 'zone' is1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 to 2016.This is 'era 2012'So why are we worried?Generally speaking, scientifically accepted records ofdo seem to bein the near future.From:Note: Real science is predicting thenext/current sun cycle to be the worst in 50 years. The first twosunspot's of 2006 are moving in reverse direction.August 15, 2006: On July 31st, a tinysunspot was born. It popped up from the sun's interior,floated around a bit, and vanished again in a few hours.

Onthe sun this sort of thing happens all the time and,ordinarily, it wouldn't be worth mentioning. But thissunspot was special: It was backward.' We've been waiting for this,' says David Hathaway, a solarphysicist at the Marshall Space Flight in Huntsville,Alabama. 'A backward sunspot is a sign that the next solarcycle is beginning.' Right: The tiny, backward sunspot ofJuly 31, 2006. Credit: SOHO.

'Backward' means magnetically backward. Hathaway explains:Sunspots are planet-sized magnets created by the sun's innermagnetic dynamo. Like all magnets in the Universe, sunspotshave north (N) and south (S) magnetic poles. The sunspot ofJuly 31st popped up at solar longitude 65 o W,latitude 13 o S. Sunspots in that area arenormally oriented N-S. The newcomer, however, was S-N,opposite the norm.This tiny spot of backwardness matters becauseof what it might foretell: A really big solarcycle.Solar activity rises and falls in 11-yearcycles, swinging back and forth between times ofquiet and storminess.

Right now the sun isquiet. 'We're near the end of Solar Cycle 23,which peaked way back in 2001,' explainsHathaway. The next cycle, Solar Cycle 24, shouldbegin 'any time now,' returning the sun to astormy state.Satellite operators and NASA mission plannersare bracing for this next solar cycle because itis expected to be exceptionally stormy, perhapsthe stormiest in decades. Sunspots and solarflares will return in abundance, producingbright auroras on Earth and dangerous protonstorms in space.Butwhen will Solar Cycle 24 begin?'

Maybe it already did-on July 31st,' saysHathaway. The first spot of a new solar cycle isalways backwards.

Solar physicists have longknown that sunspot magnetic fields reversepolarity from cycle to cycle. N-S becomes S-Nand vice versa. 'The backward sunspot may be thefirst sunspot of Cycle 24.' It sounds exciting, but Hathaway is cautious onseveral fronts:First, the sunspot lasted only three hours.Typically, sunspots last days, weeks or evenmonths. Three hours is fleeting in the extreme.'

It came and went so fast, it was not given anofficial sunspot number,' says Hathaway. Theastronomers who number sunspots didn't think itworthy!Second, the latitude of the spot is suspicious.New-cycle sunspots almost always pop up atmid-latitudes, around 30 o N or 30 oS. The backward sunspot popped up at 13 oS. 'That's strange.' These odd-isms stop Hathaway short of declaringthe onset of a new solar cycle.

'But it lookspromising,' he says.Even if Cycle 24 has truly begun, 'don't expectany great storms right away.' Solar cycles last11 years and take time to build up to feverpitch. For a while, perhaps one or two years,Cycle 23 and Cycle 24 will actually share thesun, making it a hodgepodge of backward andforward spots. Eventually, Cycle 24 will takeover completely; then the fireworks will reallybegin.Meanwhile, Hathaway plans to keep an eye out formore backward sunspots.FROM:Theplace where the December solstice sun crosses the Milky Wayis preciselythe location of the 'dark-rift in the Milky Way.' Xibalba be' - the road to theunderworld.' Onthe winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun exactly conjunctsthecrossing point of the sun's ecliptic with the galactic plane,while also closely conjuncting the exact thecenter of the galaxy.This photo was taken in Southern Franceby on7-28-08.

Astronomical updates of2012 are pouring in. We are grateful for the Mayan Calendarfor pointing the way. It is a good map but now, thruscience, we are starting to see the actual landscape.Have you ever looked out into the night sky and seen theMilkyWay Galaxy? Did you notice the obvious tilt?

It isat a steep angle to the straight line of the horizon. Why?It turns out that oursolar system appears to belong to another galaxy that iscolliding with the Milky Way. This was recentlydiscovered when scientists were trying to figure sources for' darkmatter' that would account for forces we can measurebut not see visibly. Using near-infrared (wavelengths oflight outside human eye andoptical telescopes) a huge sister galaxy circling theMilky Way was discovered. It's called the Sagittarius dwarfgalaxy (SGR for short). For those keen on the 2012 data,this is the reason our entry point to the Rift, center,heart (HunabKu) of the Milky Way is thru Sagittarius.

Thetwo collide at that point. This explains why our solarsystem is at an angle to the plane of the galaxy and alsowhy we dip above and below that center line every 12,000 yrsor so.But the trail gets hotter - literally. Moon shots from the1960s revealed glass on the moon. Glass is made from intensebursts of heat on sand. The event happened within the last30,000yrs ago.

Ancient petrogrpahs of primirtivepeople (archeological carvings) from that era (12,000+y.a.)show the sun causing extreme energy bursts changing earthatmosphere.Next clue - the current 11 year Sun Spot Cycle has passedthe minimum (sun spot activity should have begun over a yearago and has not for the first time ever). This appears to becaused by a gravitation field influencing the sun. Mayacal Magnolia Seattle WA 98199DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK SPEAKS ABOUT THE MAYANS AND THEIRPROPHECIES ABOUT 2012-FROM:THE FOLLOWING IS FROM OTHER RESEARCHERSThe astrological chart for 21 Dec 12:12 Central European TimeWe believe the time is 21 Dec 11:11based on the U.S. Naval Observatory atMajor Jenkins believes the time to be 21 Dec 11:13.In his book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, he shows an observatory at:On page 35, he states, 'The early Zapotec capital of Monte Alban islocated on a mountaintop outside of present day Ozxaca.

Most structures atMonte Alban are oriented 4 degrees to 8 degrees east of north. Structure1, a strange arrow-shaped building is different. ArchaeoastronomersAnthony Aveni and David Linsley determined that this building looselypoints to the setting positions of the five bright stars of the SouthernCross. This alignment occurred in the precessional era of 250 B.C.when these structures were built. Overall, the loose 3 degree range of thealignment is not very impressive. However, Aveni noted another alignmentthat yields more interesting results.

The perpendicular to Structure J'sbaseline shoots through what was an opening or doorway in Structure Ppoints northeast to where the bright star Capella was seen to rise in theprocessional era of 275 B.C. During this time Capella made its firstreappearance in the predawn sky (its heliacal rise) on May 8, which is thefirst solar zenith passage date at the latitude of Monte Alban. Solarzenith passages (when the sun passes through the zenith at high noon) wereimportant indicators of the zenith center and told the Mesoamerican farmerwhen the rainy season was about to commence.

Solar zenith passages occuronly within the Tropics, that is between latitudes 23.5 degrees S and 23.5degrees N. Amazingly platform Structure B through which the Capellaobservations were sighted, houses Monte Alban's famous zenith tube.

Thisvertical tube leads into an underground chamber where zenith passagemeasurements of the sun and stars could be made. Zenith tubes have beenfound at other sites, such as Xochicalco in Central Mexico.They probably understood that the zenith center was located in 'time'as well as in space, because solar zenith passages occur only twice everyyear. The solar year (the haab), the tzolkin and intervals betweenzenith passages all contributed to the ancient Mesoamerican's developingcalendric cosmology.

It was the synchronization in time of key points inthese different cycles that would define the center of time and space.However, it might be better to say that key alignments in large timecycles open the doorway to the center of spacetime, rather than definethat center.Teotihuacan, the great Toltec metropolis where the Fifth sun was born,also contains evidence of having been constructed according to anastronomical plan. Several scholars have argued that an alignment with thePleiades was responsible for the founding orientation of Teotihuacan. Theaxis perpendicular to the famous Street of the dead pointed to the settingposition of the Pleiades. The two 'pecked crosses' that scholars believewere used to lay out the city lie along this axis. The pecked cross in thegroup of structures called the Viking Group is just east of the Street ofthe Dead, and the Cerro Colorado pecked cross is some distance to thewest.John Major Jenkins tells us this in his introduction:'The eclipse is the path traveled by the sun, moon, and planets throughthe sky. Twelve constellations lie along the ecliptic, and the sun passesthrough all twelve during the course of one year.

The ecliptic cross overthe Milky Way at a 60 degree angle near the constellation Sagittarius. Assuch, it forms a cross with the Milky Way, and this cosmic cross wascalled the Sacred Tree by the ancient Maya. (The cross form was also knownas the 'crossroads.' Amazingly, the center of this cosmic cross,that is right where the ecliptic crosses over the Milky Way is exactlywhere the December solstice sun will be in A.D. This alignmentoccurs only once every 25,800 years.' The Milky Way is observed as a bright, wide band of stars archingthrough the sky. In the clear skies of ancient Mesoamerica, many dark,blotchy areas could be observed along the Milky Way's length.

These are'dark cloud' formations caused by interstellar dust. The most prominent ofthese is called the 'dark-rift' or the 'Great Cleft' of the Milky Way. Itlooks like a dark road running along the Milky Way, and it points right atthe cosmic crossing point, the center of the Maya Sacred Tree, right wherethe sun will be in 2012! The Maya called this dark-rift the BlackRoad, or the Road to the Underworld. They seem to have imagined it as aportal to another world, and the December solstice sun can enter it onlyin A.D.

The area of the sky where all of these symbols and celestial objectsconverge is the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. This was perhaps the mostastounding thing I discovered.

The par of the Milky Way that the Decembersolstice sun will conjunct is also where the center of our Galaxy (theGalactic Center) is located. It is the cosmic womb from which new starsare born, and from which everything in our Galaxy, including humans, came.In the cosmos - 1 minute time is not going to make that big adifferenceconsidering the vast amount of space between our sun and the center of theMilky Wayas seen from Earth. The original calendar was based on Mayaninformation at aspecific temple as yet unidentified as exact position.A special planetary alignment occurs on Feb. 14, 2009Annular Eclipse in. SOLARECLIPSE: Oh to be in Borneo! On Monday,Jan.

26th, 2009 inhabitants of that heavily forested island willwitness the sunset of a lifetime. Just as the sun descends into thewaves of the Indian Ocean, the Moon will pass in front of thesun-dead center-covering 93% of the solar disk. The ensemble willform a stunning 'ring of fire,'See;Similar sunset rings will appear over the nearbyislands of Java and Sumatra. Astronomers call such an event an annular eclipse.ANNULAR ECLIPSE- MAY 20, 2012FROM:SOME SCIENTISTS SAY:The public has many misconceptions aboutearthquakes – whether it’s the inevitability of Californiafalling into the ocean or the wisdom of standing in a doorwayduring heavy shaking - and about science’s ability to predictthem.

As the April 18 centennial of the 1906 San Franciscoearthquake approaches, CGS hopes to debunk some common quakemyths and help the public become better informed about thepotential hazard.While there are reports of predictionsthat have accurately stated the time, location and magnitudeof an earthquake, frequently such reports aren’t examined in ascientifically rigorous fashion. Wills believe that the humantendency to seek out patterns to make sense of things – aswell as selective memory – are behind many claims of insideknowledge of what the Earth is up to.During a recent total eclipse of thesun, residents of Turkey’s Tokat province camped out in tents,fearing an earthquake.

Although the scientific communityoffered reassurance that there’s no connection betweeneclipses and quakes, residents remembered that in August 1999,17,000 people in northwestern Turkey died when an earthquakestruck six days after an eclipse.FROM: ASTROLOGY OF DECEMBER2012: DISASTER, ASCENSION OR BOTH?by Roeland de Looff©(used withpermission)According to manyprophecies something important is about to happen in 2012.In 2012 the centre of the Galaxyis at 0 degree of the Western zodiacal sign Capricorn. 0 degreeCapricorn is the point of the zodiac where the Sun is during theDecember solstice.At December 21, 11.12 GMT duringthe December solstice the Sun is at the exact centre of the Galaxy.According to the Mayas the center of the Galaxy is the cosmic womb:the place of dead, transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Thismoment shows the end of their calendar. To know moreabout what this means it is interesting to make an astrologicalchart of the December solstice of 2012.Below you see a chart for 21December 12.12 Middle European Time (11.12 GMT), Amsterdam,Netherlands. The planetary pattern will be the same for alllocations only the ascendant and house division will be different.HIGHLIGHTS OFTHE ASTROLOGICAL CHARTThe Sun is at 0 degreesCapricorn, the point of the December solstice. It makes asextile to Neptune, right at the beginning of Pisces. This isan almost exact sextile. The orb is less then half a degree.This aspect can point towards a spiritual experience, a lossor both.The most importantconfiguration is a yod which we find in the chart.

This isalso called the Finger of God. It looks like an arrow in thechart and it indicates change and transformations. The yodconsists of:1. A quincunx (150 degreeaspect) between Jupiter and Pluto.2. A quincunx betweenJupiter and Saturn.3.

A centralopposition (180 degree aspect) made between Jupiter andthe Mercury/Venus conjunction.The two quincunxes arealmost exact, they have an orb of less then half a degree.In fact the quincunx between Jupiter and Pluto is exact atDecember 21 2012.THEMEANING OF THE ASTROLOGICAL CHARTPluto is the planet ofradical transformation, death and rebirth.Saturn is the planetof the earthly realm and of learning experiences,especially those of a more painful nature.Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It is the focus ofthe yod, the planet which receives the strong energyof the other planets involved. It also expands theenergy of the other planets involved (especiallySaturn and Pluto).This yod indicatestransformational processes which can be painful formany.Jupiter has acentral place in this because it is the focal point ofthe energy. This indicates changes in our religioussystems, beliefs, philosophical systems. These fallunder Jupiter.Anothernotable configuration is the T-square with Neptune as focalpoint:.

Jupiter makes a square(90 degree aspect) to Neptune. Neptune makes a squareto Venus. Venus opposes Jupiter,this is the central opposition that activates the yod.Therefore Neptune, theplanet of spirituality, ascension, confusion and floods is acruxial planet in this chart.Is it possible to find outmore details about the picture given above? Maybe we can useanother astrological method to find out more about what theabove chart indicates?THECHINESE FOUR PILLAR CHART OR THE STORY OF THE TWO DRAGONS I havemade a Chinese Four Pillar Chart. This type of chartcontains of four pillars that are dependend upon the hour,day, month and year.

Because the hourly pillar dependsupon the location I have confined myself to the pillars ofthe day, month and year. These are the same for the entireworld.In the roots of thechart (the lower part of the pillars) we find a rat thatis surrounded by two dragons. The dragons almost seems tobe making plans to eat the rat.The dragonrepresents the ouroboros, the mythological dragon or snakethat bites its own tail. According to Mayan cosmology thisouroboros symbolises the Milky Way.The dragon is anearthly sign, the rat is a water sign. Therefore thischart contains water and earth.In the stems (the topof the chart) we find yang fire. This is the strong fireof the Sun or a natural fire.In this chart water isthe strongest element. It can be found in the rat and inthe two Yang Waters.A meteorite falling inthe ocean would be one expression of this chart.

2012 End Or Beginning Pdf Online

Or avulcan (fire and earth) exploding and causing a tsunami(water). It could also indicate floods. Water and Earththe strongest elements of this charts are enemies to oneanother. Since Water is more powerful in the chart, thismay indicate largescale floods.

11:11 clue indicating the year, hour, and minute ofthe end of the cycle2012monthdayhour2012monthdayhourminutemonthdayhourminutePerihelionJan500EquinoxesMar200514Sept221449AphelionJuly503SolsticesJune202309Dec211111In the 28 years listed on thefrom which the above table was taken, only the one 11:11universal time is given. The end of the Mayan calendar falls on December 21,2012. That is the famous 'End Date' -The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 A.D.NOTE: This page was taken down, buthere is the archived copy of it.page gonereplacement archivedCROP CIRCLECONNECTIONThe number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin,and theGrid Crop CirclePhoto by Steve Alexander. Etchilhampton97In 'SC' # 68, Michael Glickman interpreted the 1997Etchilhampton (above) as a pointer to 2012.

The formation wasa 30 x 26 checkerboard-like grid, giving a total of 780 squares. This,Michael theorized, could indicate the thirty 26-week periods between 1997and 2012.Geoff adds that the 780 squares of the grid are exactly divisible bythe TZOLKIN, or Mayan Sacred Calendar, which is a grid of 260 squares withsides of 13 x 20. Three Tzolkins fit into the crop grid pattern. Two fitstraight in and the third after bisection.The grid seems related to a 'map' called 'Psi Bank Warp andHolonomic Woof' mentioned in a book called 'Earth Ascending,' by JoseArguelles (page 121). The 'map' consists of eight Tzolkins joined togethershowing relationships between the Mayan calendar, the 'I Ching' and the64 DNAcodons. Arguelles researched the Mayan calendar, physics, philosophy,geomancy and the 'I Ching,' and concluded that mankind is creating a 'noosphere,'or mind layer, around the Earth, which is evolving towards the 'OmegaPoint of Planetary Awakening' in 2012, according to Teillard de Chardin.The reversal point is thought to beapproaching in 2012.

According to Geoff Stray, the sunspots and r eversalsof its magnetic field. The reversal point is thought to beapproaching in 2012.

According to Geoff, the sunspots are thought tohave an effect on the endocrine glands of human beings, which relateto the chakras.www.greatdreams.com/strng.htmControversially appearing over two consecutive nights at Silbury Hill, Wiltshire on 2-3 August,according to resident 2012 prophecy expert and numerical conundrum whiz Geoff Stray, thisvast wheel ofancientMaya symbols included “the double square spiral - the Maya symbolfor jaguar snouts,which indicates an entrance to the underworld”. Given that, as isnow widely known, theMaya calendar indicates an end-of-time point in the year 2012,this gave the UKnewspapers something to get their teeth into, the Daily Maildubiously proclaiming it‘The DoomsdayCrop Circle’. Much of the speculation about the 2012 connectionsmade in the wake of this formation was highly questionable, but it madegood headlines. Notthat the press needed a genuine phenomenon to fill its columns;indeed the SundayExpress went out of its way to debunk theMayan glyph,devoting two pages to doing this, perhaps in an effort to ‘get one over’ on its rivalnewspaper.Among the many claims and counter-claims made about the symbolismof this formation, one widely-circulated e-mail article by C Lewis(pseudonym) from Australia stated the Mayan wheel depicted a‘Calendar clock’, counting down to 2012.Joe Mason explains the Aztec Sun Stone Calendar. The outer ringportion of the Stone is said to be twin serpents, one light and the otherdark.

I believe the two represent the twins, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl. Theyrelate to Venus, corresponding to The Morning Star and Evening Star.Quetzalcoatl, of course, is also known as Kukulkan (or Kukulcan) and theFeathered Serpent. Perhaps the depiction of two types of feathers in thecenter of the formation hint at the feathered twins of the Aztecs. Theyare positioned in a general Vesica Piscis arrangement, also suggestive ofduality.See: Mayan Prophecy of the End of the GreatCycleQuetzalcoatl translates to plumed serpent.The word quetzalli eventually came to mean 'treasure, or precious'.The word coatl came to mean 'dragon' as well as 'snake' andoccasionally 'twin', hence it could mean 'Precious Twin'.2012 is the Chinese Year of theDragonThe Dragon's Breath = Qi - Wind Feng Shui or commonlycalled Qi (Chi) energy force The Dragon's Breath Wind Feng Shui or commonly called Qi (Chi) energy force. TheDragon is a symbol of Strength, Goodness, Courage andEndurance.The Dragon is Yangenergy which is male.

2012 End Or Beginning Pdf Free

He is the emblem of vigilance andsecurity, and also the spirit of change. In Chinese mythologythe Dragon is the predestined partner of the Phoenix, which isYin energy. Feng Shui endeavours to capture Chi', the Dragon'sbreath.We find this interestingparallel in the book of Revelations:'When the dragon saw that he had beenhurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth tothe male child”'Then from his mouth the serpent spewedwater like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away withthe torrent.

But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouthand swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of hismouth.”(Revelation 12:7)Joe Mason, contributed this excerpt from Moira Timms' book,'Beyond Prophecies and Predictions' (p. 256): ' 'Thename Quetzalcoatl is derived from the quetzal bird of Guatemala andMexico. The quetzal had golden-green and scarlet plumage, and wasconsidered the most beautiful of all birds. 'Quetzal' also meansprecious. 'Coatl' is serpent. In the Maya language, 'Kukulcan' meansapproximately the same thing. According to Hunbatz Men, 'Ku' issacred, God.

'Kul' is coccyx, the base of the spine, where latentspiritual energy resides. 'Can' means serpent.

'Kukulcan' therefore issynonymous with 'kundalini' - which is what the Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatlarchetype is all about, of course. To be iconographically correct,however, the god Quetzalcoatl is not himself the feathered serpent,but the one who emerges from the serpent, just as the spirit emergesfrom the body through the top of the head, and the Morning Staremerges from the horizon.' 69 Venus was an important astrologicalsymbol for the Mexica and was called 'Tlauixcalpantecuhtli', whichmeans - Lord of the House of Dawn. The planet had two aspects and wasshown and revered as two gods. One, as Morning Star, was kind, and wasthe Precious Twin, Quetzalcoatl. He held the sun in the sky in themorning.

His dark twin Xolotl ruled Venus in the Evening and duringthe night. Xolotl pushed the sun into darkness.Interestingly, ancient myths tell of the Creator Serpent. JamesChurchward wrote that this does not represent the Creator, butrather, the way the Creator creates. Joseph Campbell wrote thatthe ancients usually used the serpent to represent change, by thedeath/rebirth of shedding the old skin. The symbols seem to tellus that the Creator creates through changes. The Aztec twinserpents fit well with the same meaning.The outer ring of the 'Aztec' crop circle formation has 20 x 2= 40 segments.

I believe this may be related to two interlacedfive-pointed stars, as displayed in a number of crop circleformations.The cropcircleconnector.compeople explain: August 4, 2004 Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - Whoever, orwhatever, is responsible for the August 2 to 3, 2004, crop formation atSilbury Hill, the design in its border is a mirror image of a rare statueof the Aztec God, Xochipilli, The Prince of Flowers, Maizes, Love, Games,Beauty, Song and Dance. Xochi means 'flower,' while pilli means eitherprince or child.

In the mid-1800's, a 16th century Aztec statue ofXochipilli was unearthed on the side of the volcano Popocatapetl nearTlamanalco, Mexico. The statue is of a single figure seated upon atemple-like base. Both the statue and the base upon which it sits arecovered in carvings of sacred and psychoactive flowersincluding mushrooms (Psilocybe aztecorum),tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), morning glory (Turbinacorymbosa), sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia),possibly cacahuaxochitl (Quararibea funebris),and one unidentified flower.


The figure itself sitscrosslegged on the base, head tilted up, eyes open, jawtensed, with his mouth half open. The statue iscurrently housed in the Museo Nacional de Anthropologiaof Mexico. Alternatively, something important mightbe scheduled to happen next year (at theend of 2005), then something again inDecember 2012? A lot of intellectualcontent for a fake!

Best guess is that we are entering SIXTH SUN accordingto Maya 2012 date. The image shows but one of them is a shift or changein the harmonics of creation. Some Crop Circles are communicating thisshift/change.The current Mayan Tzolkin has 13 tones and theSixth Sun Tzolkin has 17 tones.

2012 end or beginning pdf file

These numbers 13 and 17 can befound in various Crop Circles. As other related numbers like the'center' number 7 or 9. Which are the center tones of eachtzolkin respectively.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17Also the 'Alpha', 'Center', and 'Omega' tonesmaybe multiplied to give other frequency harmonic information:1 x 7 x 13 = 91This is the number of steps on each of the 4 sidesof some Maya pyramids and thus 4 x 91 = 364.

364 + 1 (top) =365 (solar year)1 x 9 x 17 = 153 See:andMark BorcherdingOn September 26th, Joe Mason realized thatanother formation should be included in the list:The above is one ofthe 'Checkerboard' Patterns, of the Greene County,Pennsylvania, formations that appeared around 3 July 2005.See:Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005Post subject:SEE-It has been pointed out thatseveral U.K. Formations contain the eight or nine step spiral ofrectangles, such as those at Boreham Down, Woolstone Hill, andWayland's Smithy:Image credit: Viktor Mika,CZJoe Mason says theWoolstone Hill formation was, perhaps, the most information-richThe U.K. Formation of 2005, at Ripley,near Bournemouth, Dorset should probably also be included.

It wasreported 17 April 2005.The spiraling numbers of the Ripley crop glyph is similar to the spiralingsquares in the previous glyph.At least one other person has pointed this out. The 6 pointed star, when lookedat from an angle, looks like 3 blocks.I finally got around to illustrating the idea. Such block designs areoften shown like a wall of blocks. It is sometimes used to illustratehow our perception can view an image in different ways. The view canappear as looking down at the tops of the boxes, or as looking up tothe bottoms of the boxes:. Earth Star – A Mayan Connection!!The beautiful earth star which fell onto fields atEchilhampton, near Devizes on August 15 is indeed adelicate formation and merits much appreciation.

Itis also the shape of the Mayan star-glyph, LAMAT,‘Yellow Star’ and is associated with the planet Venusin that tradition. Here is a meditation on that glyphas it is presented in the website:NOTE: THIS PAGE IS GONE::HERE IS THE ARCHIVED PAGE: (Star)The Mayan star. This step is basically about learningto love. You develop a tolerance and a compassion foryourself and others. The ability to love yourself isvery important in attaining wisdom, and it isperfected here. You begin to feel a profound sense ofyour own value and a love for yourself exactly as youare.

You evolve this self-love into a deep love forhumanity and a love and caring for the planet Earth.Meditating with this glyph will help you remember andhold the vibration for unconditional love. The solarglyph painting Lamat portrays with colors our comingforth into being from love when we awake, creating ourbodies out of light, then our return back to love,which we all do each time we fall asleep. Lamat is thesymbolic portrayal that love is what we are.”. Thecrop picture whichappeared on August 18,2006 at Etchilhampton Hill seemsto show (i)the four-foldpointed- symmetryof a gravitational wave field,as well as (ii) certaingrid lines which arecommonly used torepresent gravity orcurved space time:Four-foldpointed-symmetry of agravitational wavefield from Rep. Prog.Physics 63,1317-1427, 2000Schematic grid linesused to represent curvedspacetime from Amer.J.

Physics 73,248-260, 2005.The new EtchilhamptonHill crop picture thushas a concise, logicalmeaning. F orexample, welearn from awebsite atCaltech:'Gravitationalwaves areripples inthe fabricofspace-time.When theyenter ourLIGOdetector,they willdecrease thedistancebetween testmasses onone arm,whileincreasing iton the otherarm.Such changescan bedetected bybouncinglaser beamsback andforthbetween thetestmasses, then byinterfering laserbeamsfrom the twoarms.' 'LIGO' standsfor 'LaserInterferometerGravitational-waveObservatory'( ).The samefour-fold pointed -symmetryshown at EtchilhamptonHill appears overan illustration of the ir detector.

For example,ifthe twocomponentsof somebinarysystem atthe centreof our MilkyWay were toorbit onceevery 5125 Earthyears, thenthey mightstrongly emitgravitywaves onlyonceduring somebrief partof thatmutualorbit, whenthey come closetogether.I fthat is thecase, thenatwin pulseof gravitywaves andx-rayscould potentially beemitted fromthe centreof our galaxyonceevery 5125years.Itwould thentake another4 0,000years (roughly)toreach Earthand Sunat lightspeed c. Theaccuracy of theMayancalendar wasrecentlyvalidatedby AmericanglaciologistLonnieThompson,who found manydifferentlines ofevidence fora sudden,worldwideclimatechangeon Earth5138 plus orminus 45years ago( Proceedingsof theNationalAcademy ofSciences USA103,3,2006).He hasattributedthatevent to 'asuddenchangein thebrightnessof ourSun'. Hisdates fromradio-isotopeanalysis agreewellwith the Mayan calendarvalueof 5120years agofor 'end ofthe FourthSun'. Accordingto that samecalendar,the nextmajor eventwill occur sixyears fromnow in 2012.